A trademark that is unique to Lake Street Garden Center is our custom made Floral Arches. This Slideshow attempts to capture the beauty of our everchanging seasonal displays.

Arch Construction
The arches are comprised of sections, grown in our greenhouses. In this particular picture, they are meshed with various plants being 'forced' for flower shows.

Arch Assembly
The sections are carefully assembled with a forklift. In this slide, two employees act as a spot while 2 bystanders watch Tim Wolfe put the last piece in place.

Spring Pansy Floral Arch
( and Maxwell the dog )

Summer Impatiens Arch

Early Fall Chrysanthemum Arch

(Left) Fall 2005 Front Display Chrysanthemum Arch. (Right) Late Fall Chrysanthemum Arch.

(Left) Christmas floral arch. (Right) Winter Urn Arrangement.